about this course
This course continues the study of economic growth and fluctuations that
we undertook in the introductory course.
It explores short-run and long-run economic performance and the
fiscal and monetary tradeoffs that policymakers face.
And it extends that framework to topics relevant to health professionals.
In this course, we apply the theory of economic growth to the study of drug addiction.
And we explore the relationship between consumer price inflation
and medical price inflation.
what you will learn
This course will first review the theory of economic growth and explore
the role that capital investment plays in increasing worker productivity.
It will then extend that theoretical framework to "investment" in the
consumption of an addictive good.
In the model of economic growth, the economy converges to a steady-state,
where output per worker remains constant over time.
And in the model of drug addiction, there is also a steady-state where
consumption remains constant over time.
And being a course in macroeconomics for health professionals, this course also examines
the reasons why medical prices have grown faster than consumer prices.